Editor August 19, 2021
Pot holes with water on Main Street in Lovington, NM

Lovington’s Main Street, US Highway 82, has been in bad shape for several decades. Most long-time residents have likely come to accept that that is just the way it’s always been and always will be. However, change is on its way with a New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) construction project targeting a 1-mile stretch of road in downtown Lovington.

Residents will have to wait about two years for the updates to be complete while living with detours, lane closures and reduced speeds according to a press release by NMDOT. Construction has already begun, so residents and travelers should expect to see construction signs and should watch carefully for updated traffic rules and detours, which will change as construction proceeds to different sections over the course of two years.

The reason this will take so long is that it isn’t a simple patch job. NMDOT is planning a comprehensive improvement project for the area which will include curb, sidewalk and drainage improvements.

Truck splashing through flooding on Main St after downpour.

While rain is rare for this part of the world, heavy rain does cause substantial flooding in several parts of Lovington, so better drainage in the area could help Lovington deal with its rainy season. As part of the construction project, a drainage basin will be built east of Main St on Ave D.

Curb and sidewalk improvements will hopefully help downtown businesses attract more customers by making parking and walking in the area easier and more enjoyable. Specific details on the design for these curb and sidewalk improvements have not been released by NMDOT, however Ave D recently underwent sidewalk improvements making the street more walkable.

“Road construction investments in both large and small towns help boost the economy and improve the quality of life for visitors and residents,” said Transportation Secretary Mike Sandoval. “The department is thrilled we can provide not only improved safety but an aesthetically pleasing road for people of Lovington.”

The specific stretch of road targeted for improvements is located between mile markers 171 and 172, which runs from Ave F to Jackson Ave. NMDOT says the project will take two years to complete, “weather permitting”.

While this $21 million project will bring considerable improvements for the town of Lovington, the construction process will have downsides. As one of the main thoroughfares through Lovington, prolonged construction is likely to take its toll on local residents and businesses.

The Lovington MainStreet Corporation foresaw these issues and launched “Central Alley” in an effort to alleviate some of the problems downtown businesses would face during the construction. At Central Alley, located behind businesses on the west side of Main St between Washington and Central Aves, customers will be able to park and enter these local businesses while Main St is undergoing construction.

However, Central Alley won’t be an effective detour for traffic and doesn’t provide relief to the many businesses outside that particular block. Residents and business owners will have to make the best of the situation as they wait for construction to complete.

Despite the downsides, residents on social media have responded mostly positively to the announcement. “Finally! This is awesome!” commented one person on the City of Lovington’s Facebook page. Others expressed frustration at the high cost ($21 million) for a single mile of improvements and the lengthy two-year timeframe. Overall, though, people seem excited to finally have Main St repaired.

Facebook comments regarding Lovington Main St. improvements.

According to an article in the Lovington Leader, Gabriel Ortega, project manager for the construction company in charge of the project, said, “We know this will make life miserable for a lot of people for a while, but we are here to make life better in the long run for years to come.”

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