
Editor March 8, 2021

Many Lea County residents have noticed significant increases on their electric bills following the recent cold snap and Texas energy crisis. With stories of Texas residents receiving energy bills as high as 300 times the usual amount, New Mexicans are wondering if their own high bills are part of the fallout from the crisis. The…

Andy Arnold March 4, 2021

The show must go on – even in the face of a pandemic. The Community Players of Hobbs have a five show 2021 season planned. Covid restrictions in New Mexico currently prohibit CPH from having an in-person audience, so all five performances will be streamed online. Ticket sales for that have not yet begun. If…

Staff Writer February 18, 2021

Officials responded to a pipeline that exploded about one mile from Highway 8 in Monument, New Mexico on the afternoon of Tuesday, February 16. The Monument Volunteer Fire Department, Lea County Sheriff’s Office, New Mexico State Police and Lea County Emergency Management were at the scene for several hours. The fire resulted only in voluntary…